Thursday, December 19, 2013

Playing Catch up

A lot has happened since the last time I posted in October.

  • The vet came out. I had planned to have xrays done on America's front feet to see how his soles were doing and to have his fall shots done. We did all that but the outcome of results I got was not what I expected.

    WE did manage to gain significant sole growth. Hopefully that holds on. But what we didn't realize is that America's feet have gotten worse every other way. He has a negative palmar angle on his left front that is going to take extensive work to correct. This also explains his huge left shoulder. The vet made a plan with my farrier to put a wedge on that front left and pour ins on both. The completely change how he has been trimming him.

    I will not get into detail on here why, but I have decided to change all of this. It has felt wrong to me from the start. So i've decided to go the more natural but slower fix and take his shoes off all together. I've consulted with 3 different farriers/trimmers and they have all said the same thing. That he would be better for me to take his shoes off and fix it naturally with trimming properly. I will just have to buy him boots.

    Once I made this change, I literally exhaled for what felt like the first time in weeks. This may be a longer process, but this feels right. So I am going to go with it. My instincts are sometimes very loud, I tend to listen to those.
  • I changed up America's diet just a bit. I added TNT into his diet and eliminated a few of his other supplements and also lowered the dosage of the rest. TNT is amazing. It's got a lot of supplements in it plus a bunch of others.

    "Each 1 1/3 cup of TNT contains a synergistic combination of Dynamite, Easy Balance, Izmine, Free & Easy, Excel and HES. This product is the ultimate supplement. Because it contains some of our most popular products all-in-one, it is easy to feed and produces amazing results."

    "Dynamite went WAY beyond the basics when formulating this awesome product. All-natural ingredients support healthy metabolism, behavioral balance, joints, and daily detoxification; all in addition to an array of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals for optimum results you will see in your horse."So far, I have been very pleased with this diet change. America has only been ridden once but he was more fluid. His stiffness was almost nonexistent PLUS he was relaxed and calm.
    Look at this stretch! (not me riding)

  • America had a minor colic last week. It was only a gas colic, thankfully and passed on it's own. He was fine and back to normal within an hour of being found. A little lethargic but good otherwise. :D Counting my blessings.