Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Saddle Fitting *updated with pictures

So plain and simple, 'my' saddle, which is a borrowed saddle, does not fit America. "Well go get a new one"

Yea I don't have the money. What do you do when you don't have the money to buy a new saddle but your saddle doesn't fit your horse? I am open to any and all suggestions.

This saddle is making him back sore into his hindend. By the end of our ride today, he was stiff and tripping with his hindend. Which is why we stopped. I could tell something was off. Not LAME lame, but just off and he was being fussy.

OI vey. I am buying him in three weeks, I don't have the money to buy a saddle too!!!

Will someone donate a saddle to the Derpus is a Derp Fund? Please?

I will try to get pictures soon to share how this saddle fits to see if anyone has any suggestions. I can throw a half pad underneath it but it fits poorly then too, granted I don't think as sore. That might end up being what I have to do.


So I do not want to ride him again in this saddle and make him sore so i'm going to use old pictures.

This is him from September of last year. He's actually in very similar shape as he is right now.
The yellow triangle is where he remains dry after I take the saddle/pad off and is also where he is sensitive when palpated.
The red circle is where he seems stiff.

He was fine when I started yesterday but by the end of the ride, he was stiff and just seemed off.
I took off the half pad I was riding with because
1. it sits awkward i.e the flaps stick way out in front. (please excuse my retardedness)

and 2. it always slides forward and the back end of it ends up not supporting the back of the saddle all the way.

Finding Peace

Most of my life the phrase "You're too nice." has been told to me a lot. I am a giver by nature. I guess it was a trait I learned early on in life. I had the choice to either A. be like my biological mother and suck the life out of everyone and everything around me or B. I could choose to give back to the world what little that I can.

I'm merging into a new part of my life. Maybe I'm maturing emotionally. Maybe I'm starting to heal. Or maybe I'm just god damn tired. Either way, I'm noticing lately just how much of myself I'm giving away and starting to realize how little I've left for myself. But I've come to the conclusion, that's just how I am for the time being. Though I'm tired. Though I burn out. It feels right for me.

But don't get me wrong, there are times I want to be so ridiculously selfish. I had an instance yesterday where I could have chosen to be a huge dickhead and "stand my ground" or I could compromise. I could give a little and take a little and keep peace. So I chose compromise. I feel like in this instance some people might call me a pushover. And they might be right. But sometimes, you just have to "suffer" for a little while to have the beautiful outcome you are looking for.

All I want in the long run is peace. Peace in my life emotionally, physically, mentally. Just peace. The first 11 years of my life was filled with so much turmoil. So much drama. I absolutely refuse to have it in my life any more. Which is why I don't want those people in my life anymore. Not that they understand that. So the question is, how does one find peace? Is peace different for everyone or is a common feeling? Do you know when you've achieved it? And how do you keep a hold of it?

For me, at this time in my life, my peace comes in brief moments. Little wisps of moments. I haven't quite gotten there but I have wonderful, cherishable moments. Like laying in bed, wrapped in Matt's arms. Or when America drops his head to my chest and lets me kiss his muzzle. When i'm reading in bed and Little Bitty lays on my chest and ducks his head down for me to kiss his forehead. When Binxy curls up in the crook of my arm and lays head head on my chest. When i'm standing out at the farm and all the horses come up the me, and that smell of horse surrounds me and I get lots of muzzles asking for treats.

For me, my peace comes in the form of animals for the most part. I've always known that animals would be a crucial part of my life. And it's for this fact alone, the fact that they are the essential key to my peace in my life, that I feel like I owe them. I owe them to help every one that I can. I owe them to speak up when I see one being mistreated. I owe them to help heal when they are sick or injured. I owe them to help them move on when it's their time. I owe them to help give them a second chance when no one else could. And this is exactly what I will do.

So I'm guessing, figuring out what makes you find that inner calm is the key. Finding it and holding on to it with dear life. Find that thing that makes you beam. Find that thing that gives you a sense of calm. Find that thing that makes you sing inside your head (or outside). Find that thing that makes you smile from your heart straight out of your eyeballs. Just find it. Find it and hold on to it.

The Countdown!

0 DAYS - I go see the Derpus. We are going to ride and I am hoping do a little jumping. I'd love to work a little on the canter into jumps. But we'll see. I'm bringing his tack trunk out to the barn this evening too :)

3 DAYS - It's the weekend! I've got groups on Saturday, probably do some barnwork. I feel like there's something else that I'm supposed to do Saturday but I can't remember.... But most importantly, I get to sleep in.

10 DAYS - my bestie leaves to start her new life :( and it's my birthday. My parents are taking us out to dinner. YUM!

11 DAYS - It's my dad's big birthday bash!!!! He's turning 50! But still acts 25 riding around on motorcross bikes and mountain biking 20 bagillion miles. Craziness. I hope i'm as awesome as he is when I get older.

13 DAYS - IT'S VACATION TIMEEEEE! I will be sitting my happy ass on a beach for four days. Not thinking about work. Not thinking about the farm. Not thinking about anything but "Do I feel like going in the ocean right now? or in a little while?"


21 DAYS- I make one of the most crucial purchases of my life this far and my soul pony finally becomes mine. We get to start the rest of our lives together. I get to see his beautiful face whenever I want! I will own my first horse. It only took me 28 years. We get to start the adventures of our lives together and I get to spoil him and give him the life that he so deserves.  I love him so much. Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I am such a dork, I was so ridiculously excited to pick up my textbooks for fall semester. Probably because I am taking some freaking awesome classes!!!!

I've got:
Intro to art
Representing women
Mystics in America
Spanish one part two

I'm really looking forward to all of them. I am interested to see how N online Spanish class works. Should be fun!

Oh and I found out while I was there that my spring Spanish teacher lied about telling the bookstore that she wasn't using the original textbooks. She brought her own. So I bought a $120 textbook and couldn't get a refund on it. Twatwaffle!

Unfatness here I come!!!!

Well I guess eating right does do the trick. Imagine that?

Eating McDonalds for breakfast and lunch everyday makes you fat? Who woulda thunk it???

I've already lost 3 lbs and i'm considerably less bloaty feeling! I haven't had fast food or a soda since...monday. Which is not that long but for people who know me, that's pretty good for me.

Maybe I will lose that fifteen lbs by August 9th!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No Caption Needed.


After spending most of my day yesterday irritated and pissed off, I decided when I woke up this morning that I was not going to have another shitty day. So i'm focusing on my diet and moving forward. If people want to treat me like a moronic piece of shit, that's just sad for them. I will move on with my life and they can live happily in their little power trip world.

So I started off this morning well. Made myself some scrambled eggs for breakfast before work. Actually remembered to take my vitamins. I'm hoping this helps give me a little more Umph to my day. I'm on a very limited Carb diet to try and lose some weight before I go to the beach in August. So we'll see how that works. I am determined to lose weight. I am determined to feel pretty and sexy again.

I got to see my pony yesterday after driving all the way to school for the bookstore to be closed. He always has this way of bringing me to my calm place.

26 days!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This is just a lot of bitching and moaning

People are the reason I love animals so much. Animals are not hypocrites. They don't tell you one thing and then do another. They are honest, through and through.

Maybe i'm just stressed out. No, there is no maybe about that. I am stressed out. Stressed out and exhausted and my anxiety is through the roof. There's nothing other than time that can fix that though.

I have had to deal with the biological part of my "family" lately, which only furthers my anxiety level. t's caused me to have a short fuse and stress me out to the point of tears.

Edited: I deleted a bunch things here because I don't want to air anything.

I am tired of being the underdog. I am tired of being treated like a disposable slaveworker. I'm tired of spending so much time doing what I love to only be treated like i'm ignorant. I'm tired of being tired.

I need my effing vacation to come now.

To the People Looking at my Blog

To the 400+ people who have looked at my blog in the past two days....

You are allowed to comment and press the little +1 and follow me.
Follow me damn it. I need friends!!!!

I don't bite often.

Ok that's a lie. Let me try again.

I shall only NOM on you. < that's my compromise.

Friday, July 15, 2011

When you are ashamed of what the world is becoming...

How has this world gotten to the place it is now? Yea, we are technologically and scientifically advanced. We are on the verge of flying cars. If you ask me, I say "who cares?" That's all fine and dandy but what happened to the real world? Why is it instances like this are occurring?

Cops shut down little girls lemonade stand

3 little girls lemonade stand....because they didn't have a license. Are you fucking kidding me?? This is not the first instance I have heard of things like this? Since when does three young children need a business license to sell lemonade where they might make 50 bucks if they are lucky? It's disgraceful if you ask me.

While we are on the topic of new stories (these are all coming from my local news too)

It was way overdue for this guys horses to be taken from him. I've been to this farm before and it was just......I don't even have words for it. Called on him then, but it was almost four years ago and they are just now doing something about it.
the bastard better get more felonies

And can someone explain to me what this guy thought would happen? Anyone else a fan of Darwin?? I sat on some railroad tracks and got hit by a train...

The news lately is making me feel dumber and more pissed off.

Riding Goals

I'm not sure if i've mentioned it before but last year was a rough year for me riding-wise. My already brick mental wall keeping me from doing much, got even bigger after a NASTY fall at a "C" Rated show, no less. My already screwed up pelvis is still screwed up and now it's all the way up my back. I got severe whiplash. Had to wear one of those fun neck things. I need a chiro, but i'm terrified of them screwing me up even worse. Granted, even with as nasty as it was, i'm still pretty damn thankful because it could and should have been much worse. ::shiver:: I don't even like thinking about that.
But my trainer knowing me so well and knowing that if I didn't get back in the show ring, that there was a good chance I never would, made me go to a show the next weekend. I was sore, stiff and shaking but somehow came home with Reserve Champion??? haha

So with that said, I had a rough year. I went from doing 2' special hunters (i'm too old!) on the awesome schoolmaster to doing w/t with America. Every time I even thought of jumping, all I saw was my horse landing in the jump again and flipping over on me. Needless to say, it's been a long year. But i'm finally back to normal and ready to move forward in my riding.

So i've established some short and long term goals for myself and America:

1. I want to build his topline more so that he is able to be supple and soft and have the muscle and strength to jump a full course without stopping.
2. I want to be able to canter a jumper course on America.
3. I want to win at least one blue ribbon in an o/f course.
4. I want to win at least one blue ribbon on America.
5. I want my abs back :)
6. I want to be riding America 5 or 6 days a week.
7. I want to be able to jump a course (trot or canter) with no stirrups.
8. I want to lose 30 lbs and be super lean so that as America gets even stronger and more talented, I can keep up with him.
9. Find time to workout more and start doing Yoga.

Right now, here is where we are. We are working in a frame a bit to build up his neck, he's got that dip right in front of his whiters. We just started cantering jumps again since we are finally figuring out where our feet are and he's not rushing the jumps or jumping them like a tard. So we're on a good road.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what you do to a. teach your horse to properly canter jumps or b. to teach yourself how to properly canter jumps or c. to teach your brain to shut up or d. any suggestions really, feel free to comment. I appreciate it!

This Planking fad

Come ON people, what the fuck is wrong with you? Please someone, if I am missing the concept of this new trend, please feel free to explain it to me. What the hell is with all these people "planking"? I don't get it, I don't even slightly get it. If you don't know what i'm talking's a picture.

"Planking is not real The lying down game (also known as planking,[1] or face downs) is an activity, popular in various parts of the world, consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location."
Yea I just quoted Wikipedia, whatcha gonna do about it? mimic a wood plank... mimic a wood plank... mimic a wood plank...

Is anyone else getting this? Because I'm sure as hell not. Why would one want to mimic a wood plank? To show visually the capacity of your brain function being that of a wood plank?

How's this for an idea?
Do something constructive with your life! Hey, if you can help feed starving children by selling pictures of yourself "planking" then by all means, plank away. Otherwise, stop it!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I really need this next month to hurry up. I am so impatient...
(Copyright Allison Photography)

In one month, i'm buying America. And good god it cannot come soon enough. GAH!

I got home to some amazingly delicious chicken cordon bleu

::insert drool here::

Currently watching Open Season. he he he ha ha I love this guy...

He makes me laugh so much.

I really don't have anything important to say.

Morning Smarts

A few misunderstood road rules:

Stay In Lane sign. 
This sign also accompanies a SOLID white line in the middle of the lanes. Now class, what does a solid white line mean????

It means you can't fucking pass! Jesus people, do they need to hold your hand, should they just drive for you. They make buses for morons like this. This is also often in a Construction Zone and it's there for a freaking reason. 

"ERrrr duh, what's the reason?" To keep the fucking workers safe. Good God almighty. And while you're at it, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN in the construction zone. 

I drive through the same construction zone 2-4 times a day. I cannot tell you how many people I see on each trip, crossing lanes, going at minimum 15 mph over the speed limit in the construction zone. Maybe i'm a little more cautious because I work with a lot of highway contractors. Or maybe it's because my dad used to do highway construction. Either way, I think these people are inconsiderate morons. 

Here's another one that seems to stump people:

OOOOO the infamous center turn lane! So mind baffling, so intriguing

Here's the deal. This lane is meant for turning OFF THE ROAD. You are not supposed to turn ONTO this lane in order to merge back into traffic. Do you all know how fucking scary it is when a car is coming at you to pull in that lane. You don't know where the hell that driver is going. Or if they can drive well enough to maneuver a simple movement as that. Which here I wouldn't be so surprised if they couldn't. So do us all a favor and just stop it, ok? Just stop. Before I get out of my car and crap on your windshield because you scared the shit out of me.

And to back me up, a little excerpt out of the NC DMV handbook. :D So fun!
"On certain multi-lane highways, a special
center lane is reserved exclusively for twoway
left-turn movements in both directions.
The two-way left-turn lane must not be used
for passing another vehicle or for the purpose
of merging into traffic." 

Oh and while i'm on the topic, you jackasses who ride up people's buttholes, flashing lights thinking it will make them speed even more than they already are and/or get out of your way. I hope you get behind me :D You can stare at me and flap your arms at me all you want. I'll just go slower for the sheer fact that it's pissing you off. Oh and if you're really lucky, i'll match speeds with grandma over there in the slow lane. 

*sigh* I do what I can.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Training aids

Let me just preface this with one statement. When used in the correct, educated, KIND hands, training aids can be super beneficial. But let us be honest, how often is it that someone who is that correct, that educated and that kind, ever in need of training aids? Training aids are a shortcut to an end result. I've always been in the frame of mind that if you don't have the time to get the result you are looking for, you shouldn't ask it of the horse at all.

Here's my biggest pet peeve:


I remember a long time ago seeing a photo of some chic on a big, beautiful black and white stallion. This is what her tack included:
double reins attached to some god awful bit
draw reins
and some sort of martingale

I, to this day, do not understand what in the HELL she was doing with all of that on there. Or how she even got on without getting tangled in all of that mess. She also had front and back boots, bell boots, and a fly bonnet on. I kind of get the feeling she just liked having stuff.

My second biggest pet peeve:

Draw reins in untrained, rough, dumb hands. My particular favorite, the ones who JUMP in draw reins.

....ok seriously people? Are you looking for an easy way to break your horses leg?
From one of my favorite blogs :) Enjoy. Jumping with draw reins

So what end result are we looking for with draw reins? Is this a result we can't get by using a basic snaffle bit and good riding?

I am currently teaching my horse to carry himself, use his body correctly and have soft contact but to stay round. I'm using nothing but a saddle and a snaffle bit.

Is it taking time? Yes.

But knowing my horse (which I think is key and muy importante), I see the progress with each ride. I can see the difference in his neck line. I can feel and see the difference in how he carries himself. My point is, i'm getting the same results. I have no deadline. I just want him to be in the best shape he can possibly be. We do hunter/jumper so I need him to be able to carry himself correctly.

They are a hutch. If people would just take the time and quit cutting corners, we would stop seeing bug-eyed, miserable looking horses with their chins yanked down to their chests, pleading for someone to save them.

Don't even get me started on rollkur.....

Monday, July 11, 2011

My other soulmate

Here's my human soulmate, Matt. We've only officially been together for 8ish months? Eh, just a number. For both of us, it feels like much longer. It turns out we were always hanging out in the same crowds anyways. Huh, who woulda thunk it?

He's quite frankly the kindest, most warmhearted man i've met in my life, second to my dad of course. He puts all of himself into everything he does, busts his ass working and still gives me more love than I could ever ask for. I am not so sure how I got so lucky but I hope it stays that way for a long time, preferably ever. And he's pretty damn sexy if I may say so myself :)He is goofy as hell, smart as freaking A, AND he and America get along great!!!

My soul pony

"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears." ~Arabian Proverb

My wind of heaven is in the form of a 16.2 hand chestnut (or sorrel if you must) Paint gelding, with the most amazing eyes, and fabulously goofy personality, ever. His name is America, or Heir to America, or Americano. He's the one giving you the "dun touch my mama" look in the background of this blog. I met him 2 years and 2 months ago when my current trainer and best friend brought him up here to the barn to be one of the new school horses. I instantly fell in love with him and history began to make itself.

I've been riding since I was fifteen, so that's what? 13ish years. Even with my break in there, I never thought i'd find my horse. I didn't really understand to be honest. I knew it was something i've always wanted, I wanted to see what it was like. And when it did, I never looked back. So I began leasing him. I wanted to do all that I possibly could at the time and that was about it. Now two years and 3 months later, I will be buying him. My soul pony will be mine and we will start the rest of our lives together. I'm sure some non-horse people might think this is odd but it's just what it is. It's like finding your partner in crime, for the sport that you absolutely live to do. It's like any other pet, except exponentially better.

Even my CT says we shouldn't be good together, that it doesn't make sense, but we are. But there is just this thing. Like my soul connects and I trust him. I trust him and I respect him and I love him and I just hope that I can give him the life that he deserves. I have this instant calm around him. I did choose the most difficult horse to fall in love with and I wouldn't trade it for the world. He makes me work for everything I ask of him, but he gives me a hundred percent in return. He makes me learn how to ride and I love it.

So here's to getting through the next month sanely!

El Comienzo

So i'm not good at keeping stuff inside, I need a place to spew the happenings of my life. To vent, to share, just to get it out sometimes. I don't really care if anyone reads this. It's more for me anyways, to process my thoughts in some sort of fashion. So first, a short bio.

I'm Kris. I am 27, less than a month away from being 28. I live in North Carolina with my boyfriend. :) We are at the brink of starting our lives together. We've been together for over a year, but we didn't make it 'official' until November. But in all honesty, it feels like i've known him all my life and I plan on knowing him for the rest of it as well.
I work full time for my parents (who are awesome by the way). I go to school full time at UNCG (yay summer) and I also volunteer part time at a local Children's Home. I take care of the animals on the farm, as well as run some groups for the kids on the weekends.
And mostly, I ride. I do hunter/jumpers. I have been leasing a horse named America for over 2 years now and I am finally getting ready to buy him in August.
OH and I play a little softball for some local leagues. It's fun as hell.