Monday, August 1, 2011


My bestie is leaving in four days. My pony already misses his bestie. He was so sad today. It broke my heart. I hope he adjusts soon, it's painful to see him sad. But he was still such a good boy today. We actually did flying lead changes!!!!

I'm trying not to be sad. I'm trying to just cherish these last few days. Rach is coming up tomorrow and we are all going to ride and hang out. Wednesday is her going away party with the kids and then Thursday we are celebrating my birthday a day early. Should be fun and bittersweet. 

People annoy me

The dynamics of how people work annoys me. I don't understand how some people climb up on their high horse and their ridiculous amount of self-entitlement. Or how some people think it's ok to jump in and out of other people's lives, screwing with their emotions whenever the moment comes along. Or other people who just show up when it's convenient for them. I just don't understand. Or the pretenders. ha. Fools. Or people who talk to people like they're moronic, pieces of crap like it's ok to treat people like that. What the hell is wrong with the world?

People annoy me. Therefore I choose animals, and my boyfriend of course.


I've got a headache and no patience. I'm ready for this week to be over already and it's only Monday.