Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well it's been three weeks and four days since I took America's shoes off. He lived in his sneakers for about two weeks to help him transition. After that, I took those off to let his feet harden. I am going to take new pictures today but I am liking this progress so far. He is still a little more sensitive on  his club foot, but it is not growing as fast as the other. We've only ridden once in all of this time, which is fine. I would rather him heal correctly without any interference.

Hims in his sneakers! 

I also ended up having to take off his boots because they were causing rubs on his heal bulbs, which were swollen and bald! Which I have a feeling is because they either A. Don't fit a 100% right or B. weren't put on snug enough.

Sorry  it's blurry but I am thinking he is looking pretty dang good!

I think I might have figured out the naughty culprit behind his leaky behind as well. SAND! I did a manure test

(Yes, that is poop water!)
You can see a lot of sand around the edge of the jar. Farrrr too much. I'm just glad that it's coming out but I am worried about how much he is ingesting daily if this is how much is from just one turd nugget!!! I may have already helped with this without even knowing it. I purchased a Freedom Feeder for his stall. I really bought it because he scarfs his food down and then is out of hay within an hour, therefore leaving him hay-less until 7am. It's better for his metabolism to be able to extend his food out over longer periods of time. Plus now I know he wont be snuffling around on the ground and eating dirt and sand with his hay! I know, I am so gross for posting this picture :)
I bought my Freedom Feeder from this nice lady Freedom Feeders MS. These are super handy and helpful with porky horses, horses with stall issues, horses who eat too much dirt, etc....the reasonings are endless. On top of that, they are meant to hang somewhat low which is closer to the natural eating manner of a horse, which is infinitely better than the hay racks that are hung up high. High hay racks go completely against the nature of the horse. If you look at horses in the wild, (or in your pasture) horses eat with their heads down, it's how their digestion, metabolism and the biomechanics work best. Not to mention, high hay racks will cause  your horse to gain some funky neck muscles and lose back muscles.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Got my pony some sneakers!!!

So last monday, I decided I was going to take off America's shoes. He doesn't need them. He's got good feet, we don't show, we don't do anything strenuous that requires him to have shoes. Overall, I just feel like he would have better feet without shoes. Not a huge fan of shoes anyways. I understand for some horses it might be a necessary evil, just not a fan. I feel like they are constrictive and not conducive to naturally strong feet. Not to mention, the thought of the nails going through them.....::shiver:: ehhhhhhh.

ANYWHO! I bought these. They should be in today!!!

PONY SNEAKERS!!!! He has gradually gotten better. He was pretty sore on day 2 and since then, has a little at a time gotten less sore and less sore. I sent pictures of his feet to a very good friend of mine and she says he's been so sore because he is so short. Makes sense. The farrier shortened his feet a lot in August. But barefoot he needs more foot, especially on the outside. He hasn't had a lot of heat, just tenderness on the sole because right now he's basically walking right on them. :( Not a happy camper. I hate seeing him in pain. It kills me. So these are to help him with the transition and for us when we go on trail rides and stuff. I'm uber excited.


Friday, February 3, 2012


It is not news that I despise the way some people drive.
People suck at driving post

It's to the point where I scream in the car (insert road rage here) a lot. But more than anything, I do not get people's need to speed through a work zone. Possibly, I am more sensitive to it than most because my dad has worked in construction (ish) all of my life. But come on people, in a completely serious tone (I know that's rare)....

They lower the speed limit for a reason. It's not news that the human body is not made to survive the impact of many things. We just aren't made that way. Add a high velocity on to that, it lessens that ability even more. The lower speed limit is to give these guys a chance. Lower speeds = quicker stopping time and less chance of accidents. Dropping your speed down to the speed limit in a work zone is not going to get you to where ever you are going THAT much later. Let us do the math, shall we:

Let's say you have to go 15 miles. You travel an average of 65 miles per hour. For hypothetical reasons, let's say 1 full mile of that is a work zone and is a 45 mile per hour zone. Here's the math:

65mph = .92 minute per mile (60 minutes/65mph)
45mph= 1.33 minute per mile (60 minutes/45mph)

You will be going 65 for 14 miles and 45 for 1 (this is hypothetical and is not including acceleration or deceleration, so if your car is super slow at these either A. get your oil changed and filters cleaned out or B. fix your durn brakes).

(.92 x 14) + (1.33 x 1)
(12.88)+(1.33) = 14.21 minutes to get to wherever the hell you are going

in comparison to if you don't slow down
.92*15=13.8 freaking minutes.

come on now....that is what .41 of a minute.

Is it worth killing someone because your dumbass is speeding through where these people are working to give you better roadways to get your asses to wherever the hell you are going?