Monday, December 31, 2012

Expanding Derpy Days

So I have been thinking of adding some new stuff on to Derpy Days products.

Right now I offer stirrup bags. I am going to be adding personalized stirrup bags and I would like to add on bit warmers as well. If I can get the design for it, I will probably be adding polo wraps as well :)

We shall see!

One example of personalized Stirrup Bags, I had a lot of fun making these:

I have changed my design a little to have elastic tops instead of the drawstrings. I will admit, it's easier on me to make but I like the look better without the strings as well. and it makes them easier to use.

It's the end of the year and i'm feeling nostalgic

So I have not been very good at keeping this thing updated with our progress. I blame school :) Damn education!

Anywho, my goal for next year is to update much more frequently. I have a feeling 2013 will be the year of progress. We are right on the cusp of reaching my first goal of being able to canter jumps again. Right there. Once I figure out what to do with this bit of PTSD I have acquired, we will be there. Though, I would like to mention that in my last lesson I made a huge leap over my fear for the first time ever. I started having a panic attack and somehow managed to push myself through it quite quickly and move on.

Back story: I was doing some gymnastics. First feat of the day was that I got over every jump the first time without any mental run outs. After going through the set a couple times, something triggered my anxiety and I had an attack. I was so frustrated because I had gotten so far already that day. He was being a rockstar. A little fast on the exit but wonderful. Picking  his feet up great. He loves gymnastics. He really has to use his body for it. And then BAM panic attack. I was so angry. I just screamed a profanity. Patted him and told him he was a good boy and forced myself to do it and I DID! holy crap! It was awesome!!!! It's the first time I have ever been able to make myself do something without physically becoming unable.

So we are getting there. 2013 is a new year full of new adventures!

I hope everyone has a great New Year and had great holidays!

Derp says Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Show Success!

We went to a show last month. We ended up Reserve champion in one of the two divisions we entered. I am so proud of him. He had never been out to this facility. There was a lot going on, kids running around, and he was still a champ! There were so many good pictures! But here is my favorite.

I am going to buy the rest eventually!

We ended up with a Second in Adult Hunter, third in Adult Pleasure and First in Adult Equitation. In the next division, I only did two of the classes. Second in EQ on the Flat and third on Pleasure on the Flat.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Emotions in Riding

"Horses are very keen on body language, and what I refer to as 'presence', and expression. They know quite a bit about you before you ever get to ‘em. They can read things about you clear across an arena." - Buck Brannaman
With this thought in mind, I think it's important to realize how much our horses do and forgive us for. They know our moods, our emotions, our thoughts most of the time before we even do and yet they still choose to work with us and forgive us for most things. And those times that they don't, maybe that is their way of challenging us to move on and move forward. It's something to think about.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Professional Photos??? CHA!!!!

I took pictures of the professional photos I bought from the show! I love them!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our first show in a year and a half!

He was a rockstar! I was the least nervous I have ever been at a show. I drove us out too :)

We only did flat classes as we are not quite ready for over fences classes. But it was still so much fun. There was about 12 people in each of our classes. So we did not place but I didn't really go to place. I went to get out there. To show myself how much we have improved and improved we have!!! He was calm and relaxed. He listened to me (minus counter bending to look at everything). He was steady in the trot. Not rushing forward and flying around the ring. When we cantered, he got his leads the first time and beautifully straight from me asking for them. I could not have asked for more!

He is pretending to be a Tennessee Walker here :)                               Steady and calm!

Up until now

Riding wise, August was uneventful. Sometime between July and August, I had to change farriers again. The farrier I was using was losing a lot of money by coming out to me and she didn't want to have to charge me a ton to make up for it. She suggested a guy and so I called him.

Awesome awesome choice. I love him. He is thorough and meticulous. A little rough around the edges but he is dedicated to each of the horses he works with. He made the effort to call my previous farrier and get her opinion on America's feet and where she was with him and what she was doing.

The first time he worked on them, America ended up too short. Which is why he called. This was when I started to second guess whether he needed to stay barefoot. It didn't really make sense why he was so sore.

The second time he worked on him, he barely took anything off. Did just enough. By this time, I was almost completely decided on putting shoes back on him, but my farrier wanted to see how he did. When after this very minimal trim was done, I was there watching and when he was cleaning up his feet, I could see the bruising everywhere. All around the edges. The frog. Everything, everywhere. No wonder he was so sore.

By this point, the farrier said to give him a few days. If he was still really sore, he wanted to do xrays because  he believes there is more going on. So after a week of being sore, I called him and told him and promptly got an appointment to get xrays done.


He has two completely different feet. He's got high/low syndrome as well. And the kicker of it all, he literally has half the depth of sole that he needs to have. The vet believes that it is genetic. He said that we could possibly get some  sole to grow but not enough for him to be comfortable. The guy weighs 1300 lbs. He is at .6 cm and should be over 1cm. I instantly felt like a horrible mother :( but the vet said that taking his shoes off helped him to grow healthier hooves all around.

But here are the xrays if anyone is interested in seeing what they look like!


July ended up being a super fun month. It was dreadfully hot here. Disgustingly so. But we continued lessoning and prepping for our next show.

I went to Tanglewood to take a lesson. It was so much fun. Most importantly, I conquered some fears I have been holding on to. It's rough having fears but still trying to teach your horse to be confident.

I have had an irrational fear of gates for a while. Jumping them, they just look so solid. Like if you hit them, they will stay and you will go. America doesn't give two craps. We jumped gate after gate after gate. I don't know how tall they were. 1.5'-2' He is so tall, that really isn't much for him. To me, they look ginormous. I was really proud of him for sticking with me and proud of myself for doing it.

The ever faithful Matt came with us and took pictures.

Later that month, I had a very dear friend come down from NJ and we went trail riding. She rode the naughty pony! And another dear friend came up from Charlotte too!!! It was like it was my birthday!


Derp says hi!

Well we ended up not going to the show this month.  It was just wretchedly hot and there was no way I was going to make him go in a trailer, which he would have with no fuss about it. Just wouldn't have been fair! But we have been working really hard. Really working on building up that topline.

His body is starting to even out. Top is becoming more muscular, butt is getting bigger and more muscular. He is getting big ol' moobies!

So  here are some pictures of him from last week! We are almost at our year mark, and holy crap at the difference.

I found an ad with America for sale as a four year old.

<<<LOOK how handsome he is!!!

They must have been doing some awesome training with him, for him to be in such great shape. His topline, his butt, look at that neck!

So it's been a while eh?

Let's see, where did we leave off.

Last I blogged, I had just taken off America's Shoes and we were starting our adventure to barefoot world. Which lasted 9 months!

I am just going to bring some posts over from our website blog and go from there.

So I think this picture is a good example of where we are right now. He has only been on Dynamite for 6 months. For the past four months, we have ridden maybe a handful of times, so this is becoming natural for him. He's more balanced all over. More muscled naturally. He is shaved in the second picture because of our awesomely early....summer.
A couple of other things that changed from August to March.
Switched barns
visit from the holistic dentist
2 chiro appointments to get that SI where it should be (as well as lots of other stuff but that was the worst)
Diet change (obviously)
New Farrier and then removal of shoes

I was not overwhelmingly pleased with my farrier. I feel like he tried, but barefoot was not his specialty. He helped him a lot when we first started because his feet were all screwed up.

America got a visit from his new farrier yesterday. She is a barefoot trimmer who honestly seems very promising. I am very excited for her to start working with him. She came out yesterday just for a consultation, did a tiny straightening out of his feet. One hoof was longer on the inside than the out, which was causing a strange wearing pattern on the front of his hoof and him to step wierd. The nail holes are almost gone!

She said he has nice feet, not much sole yet but she has no doubt he will soon. She measured him so that I can order some Easyboot Glove Backcountry boots for trails and such. To have, just in case. Which I prefer. You just never know, you know? Better to be prepared.

FINALLY, she is going to get his back feet better too. They are so ....awkwardly long and toey and pointy. I didn't even have to point it out either!

Best of all, America was extremely relaxed with her. He was being his goofy, America self.

So i'm thinking we are in the right direction. Happy pony is happy!

Got some new sneakers!

We got our new shoes in! I went with the Easyboot Backcountry's. I have to say, I am about 99% pleased with these. I forgot how difficult easyboots are to get on, but once I go it, they are great. I like the snugness of them. No rubs, no pulling them off. It's nice. The only thing I don't like, is there is a screw on the inside that rubs on his hoof. I am pretty sure I can fix that though.

We got to spend a very beautiful sunday out on the trail with one of our greatest friends. We had a blast! We haven't been able to trail ride for a few weeks because I didn't want to push it with his feet. He was a champ out there, and quite excited to go!
BETWEEN APRIL AND JUNE, WE DIDN'T DO MUCH. We started with a new trainer who has helped us in more ways than I could ever repay her for. 

America is doing quite well! We have been at it in our lessons and are preparing for a small, fun show in July. Quite excited!!!!

But healthwise, I feel like America is really on the up and up. He is filling out quite nicely and seems to prefer being exercised consistently. I invested in a thinline pad (heavensent). Though the saddle fits him quite well, I really like the extra shock absorption there.

Anywho, here is America right now! The right is August of last year. We are almost to the year mark!

America's feet were progressing beautifully. I will add in here, that even though they look amazing, he was still almost always lame for a week or so after his trim. 

I almost forgot the progress on America's feets!!!!

I love this new farrier. This is his progress thus far (well as of a month ago)! These were taken a month after being trimmed. During that one month transition, the only hoof that didn't start the change into a rounder, more natural shape was his hind right.

Front Right is his "clubby" foot.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Unintentional Blogging Hiatus

I don't even know that anyone really reads my blogs but I will be updating them anyways. It's a great way to keep up with the goings on of the equine dude and myself :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well it's been three weeks and four days since I took America's shoes off. He lived in his sneakers for about two weeks to help him transition. After that, I took those off to let his feet harden. I am going to take new pictures today but I am liking this progress so far. He is still a little more sensitive on  his club foot, but it is not growing as fast as the other. We've only ridden once in all of this time, which is fine. I would rather him heal correctly without any interference.

Hims in his sneakers! 

I also ended up having to take off his boots because they were causing rubs on his heal bulbs, which were swollen and bald! Which I have a feeling is because they either A. Don't fit a 100% right or B. weren't put on snug enough.

Sorry  it's blurry but I am thinking he is looking pretty dang good!

I think I might have figured out the naughty culprit behind his leaky behind as well. SAND! I did a manure test

(Yes, that is poop water!)
You can see a lot of sand around the edge of the jar. Farrrr too much. I'm just glad that it's coming out but I am worried about how much he is ingesting daily if this is how much is from just one turd nugget!!! I may have already helped with this without even knowing it. I purchased a Freedom Feeder for his stall. I really bought it because he scarfs his food down and then is out of hay within an hour, therefore leaving him hay-less until 7am. It's better for his metabolism to be able to extend his food out over longer periods of time. Plus now I know he wont be snuffling around on the ground and eating dirt and sand with his hay! I know, I am so gross for posting this picture :)
I bought my Freedom Feeder from this nice lady Freedom Feeders MS. These are super handy and helpful with porky horses, horses with stall issues, horses who eat too much dirt, etc....the reasonings are endless. On top of that, they are meant to hang somewhat low which is closer to the natural eating manner of a horse, which is infinitely better than the hay racks that are hung up high. High hay racks go completely against the nature of the horse. If you look at horses in the wild, (or in your pasture) horses eat with their heads down, it's how their digestion, metabolism and the biomechanics work best. Not to mention, high hay racks will cause  your horse to gain some funky neck muscles and lose back muscles.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Got my pony some sneakers!!!

So last monday, I decided I was going to take off America's shoes. He doesn't need them. He's got good feet, we don't show, we don't do anything strenuous that requires him to have shoes. Overall, I just feel like he would have better feet without shoes. Not a huge fan of shoes anyways. I understand for some horses it might be a necessary evil, just not a fan. I feel like they are constrictive and not conducive to naturally strong feet. Not to mention, the thought of the nails going through them.....::shiver:: ehhhhhhh.

ANYWHO! I bought these. They should be in today!!!

PONY SNEAKERS!!!! He has gradually gotten better. He was pretty sore on day 2 and since then, has a little at a time gotten less sore and less sore. I sent pictures of his feet to a very good friend of mine and she says he's been so sore because he is so short. Makes sense. The farrier shortened his feet a lot in August. But barefoot he needs more foot, especially on the outside. He hasn't had a lot of heat, just tenderness on the sole because right now he's basically walking right on them. :( Not a happy camper. I hate seeing him in pain. It kills me. So these are to help him with the transition and for us when we go on trail rides and stuff. I'm uber excited.


Friday, February 3, 2012


It is not news that I despise the way some people drive.
People suck at driving post

It's to the point where I scream in the car (insert road rage here) a lot. But more than anything, I do not get people's need to speed through a work zone. Possibly, I am more sensitive to it than most because my dad has worked in construction (ish) all of my life. But come on people, in a completely serious tone (I know that's rare)....

They lower the speed limit for a reason. It's not news that the human body is not made to survive the impact of many things. We just aren't made that way. Add a high velocity on to that, it lessens that ability even more. The lower speed limit is to give these guys a chance. Lower speeds = quicker stopping time and less chance of accidents. Dropping your speed down to the speed limit in a work zone is not going to get you to where ever you are going THAT much later. Let us do the math, shall we:

Let's say you have to go 15 miles. You travel an average of 65 miles per hour. For hypothetical reasons, let's say 1 full mile of that is a work zone and is a 45 mile per hour zone. Here's the math:

65mph = .92 minute per mile (60 minutes/65mph)
45mph= 1.33 minute per mile (60 minutes/45mph)

You will be going 65 for 14 miles and 45 for 1 (this is hypothetical and is not including acceleration or deceleration, so if your car is super slow at these either A. get your oil changed and filters cleaned out or B. fix your durn brakes).

(.92 x 14) + (1.33 x 1)
(12.88)+(1.33) = 14.21 minutes to get to wherever the hell you are going

in comparison to if you don't slow down
.92*15=13.8 freaking minutes.

come on now....that is what .41 of a minute.

Is it worth killing someone because your dumbass is speeding through where these people are working to give you better roadways to get your asses to wherever the hell you are going?


Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm not touching you

...until I am game! My cats play it all day long. And by play I mean that LB tortures Binx all day long.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oscar the horse. Mr. Oscar is always trying to convince his mom that she should be feeding him more.

This is my Derp. He herps a derp. Especially at fud time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Schoolwork or draw ridiculous cartoons of your horse

Cartoons for the win! This is our favorite way to jump!

I grew pockets

I find myself thinking a lot lately. I guess I just like making my life that much more difficult by analyzing it every once in a while. Picking it apart, spitting in it's face, smacking it around a little, and then gently coercing it into a smothering hug of love.

I've always had high expectations. My parents have always had high expectations. I strive to be as different from my biological mother as I possibly can. She is a miserable human being and basically taught me all the things not to do with my life. I have had great role models to replace those gaps she left in my upbringing (of which she was not really involved, other than negatively). on a tangent.

Anyways, high expectations. I expected by this time in my life, I would have my degree, possibly my masters. I would be working this big bad mo-fo of a job, slaving away, doing that stuff that people with big bad mo-fo jobs do. Being important and crucial to people's lives and stuff. Probably married, not with kids yet though. At least I held down that aspect of my goals. I guess I just can't decide. Did I fail my expectations, or did my expectations adapt to the situation?

I have a pretty kick ass job with my parents. I love it. I have huge responsibilities. I am crucial. I am important. But just on a different plane. So in essence, I did not fail, I simply adapted. I'm like an evolutionized version of myself, except better. It's like I grew pockets so I can always carry around change for meters, EVEN if i'm naked! Evolution FTW! 

 I had to stop and do the stupid shit I did in order to get where I am right now. And I love where I am right now. I've got a kickass job. I work with some pretty amazing people as well as mis padres. My family is incredible. There's no other word for it. Incredible and supportive. My boyfriend is one of a kind and I love him so much. he puts up with all of my quirky ridiculousness, most of the time with a smile on his face and even more often, he's in the passenger seat of the ridiculousness. He's my partner in crime and I could not be more thankful for him in my life.  I have my horse and my three cats. I'm healthy (fluffy is healthy ok!!!). I have a roof over my head and food in my belly (ohhhh gimme moor fud). I am shy three semesters of being a bachelor degree-er. 

To put that in light....I, uh, started college in 2002. 

yea.....HEY give me credit. I stopped going in 2004 and restarted in 2009 as a returning student. I do all my classes online (kicks my ass by the way) and I have a full time job. I WANT ATTENTION!!!! 
No but seriously, I don't much like starting something and not stopping PLUSSSSSS, the uterus never finished anything, especially college. That puts me a million feet ahead of here. No chance of becoming her now. Well I guess I beat that when I didn't have a child at 17, WIN! 

I really don't know what the purpose of this post was, other than to sort of vent I guess. A reminder that even high expectations can adapt and you can still be a winner. Perspective is what it's all about. 

Interesting Blog

I just found this blog and I am posting it here so that I can find it again. It looks ridiculously informative, so I am sharing it as well.

I can't wait to have a few extra minutes to really read it.

Equine Biomechanics.

Update and it's been too long

It has been way too long since I last updated.

Well we have been at the new barn for almost two months and I absolutely love it. Other than the amount I have to drive. It takes 30+ minutes to get there. But I am moving out that way in 7 months so I can't wait!!!!

We had a bit of a saddle fitting fiasco. I bought that Wintec and it was just horrendous. I hated it, he hated it. So I sold it and mixed with Christmas money bought a new one! I AM IN LOVE. I have never had such a nice piece of tack in my life. I got a Collegiate Diploma Convertible in an 18" seat. I finally have a seat that fits me correctly. I have to retrain my crotch to know I don't have to ride on the pommel anymore. Yippee! So here's the saddle on derpus when I first got it. I have only gotten to ride in it once so far because of the awesome weather and my work schedule.

I got the best trot i've had so far since we moved. He gets so wound up and stops listening to me. He is so focused on all the other horses and what they are doing. He just flings his legs around everywhere. I get to the point where I have to focus on putting basically each foot down for him. But after some convincing, I got a super nice relaxed round beautiful trot yesterday. Got a few circles and stopped. He hasn't been worked much so I don't want to throw him into it super fast.

Super awesomeness is America's hoof has healed up all the way. I love my farrier. He doesn't even charge me more for coming out to this new barn. Great guy! **note: I just noticed his shoes are crooked in this picture. I am going to look into this this evening. He's not tracking different or anything. I would like his shoe to get off of his heal bulbs completely so I will talk to him.

For reference, this is was about a week after I started treating it. There was a ginormous hole in his central sulcus. Over an inch deep for a shatty farrier job.

But that's my good news. I am so happy and so ready to be able to work again. AND America doesn't know it but he's got a chiropractor appointment Thursday. I think he is going to feel so much better afterwards. I am excited to see how this helps his hindend because I am certain he's out.