Friday, June 28, 2013

Working out and healthy stuff

So I have to admit....I might have fibbed a little. I know I said  I like Curves, but I really don't.

Yea so I was trying to talk myself into by being positive!

So yea, sorry about that. Or maybe I should be apologizing to myself. Or maybe not. I tried. Then after the wedding, reality hit and I never went back. Well that's not true, I went back once or twice.

Yup still as boring as before the wedding. So I cancelled my membership (though not quick enough, I have to pay for July).

But I found a new place. It's a little out of the way, but it promises to be anything but boring. It's called Fitness One and it is all classes. There's no gym. No stupid old lady machines you go around in circles while alternatively dancing in place for 30 seconds. God that place was awkward! There are 400 classes to choose from each month! I joined the bootcamp, which comes with 3 training sessions, a e-meal plan and an e-cookbook.

I am super excited. I have only done two of the training sessions and I am sore! It's going to be awesome. I'm going to be so in shape. And even better, one of my bestest friends goes there as well and she's lost a crap ton of weight.

 I did this in my last intro, for only like a's SO HARD! It's called a Reverse Crunch, on hard mode! I mean I did a bunch others but this was the real challenge. They also have this machine called a TRX machine that is super awesome, fun and super challenging!

Woot Woot!

I can, I will, I WILL!

I will ride tonight. I will ride tonight. I WILL RIDE TONIGHT!

I cannot talk myself out of riding tonight! I haven't ridden all week. It has been hot but in the evenings there is no excuse whatsoever. America needs it and I need it.

It will be done!

I need a program. I think tonight I will work on trot poles and a little cantering.

Maybe I will drag the bf out with me to video. So possibly video later.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Colic and Ulcers - GREAT VENN DIAGRAM!

Thanks to an extremely knowledgeable JB on a horse forum!

This is a great venn diagram describing the risks and symptoms of both ulcers and colic and where they collide. A lot of people see ulcers and colic as two completely separate entities but they aren't always!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mr. Rogers you always know what to say

"I like you just the way you are."

And everyone should listen. You, each and every one of you, is beautiful is just the way you are. 


I thought this was interesting. Derp and I are at the 2 to 3 level.  We are working in the learning impulsion level. It's super fun!!!!   Where are you?  We definitely not at the straightness level. Haha

So beautiful!

This just ran across my facebook and I had to share...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Funks and goals

I have been in quite a funk since I graduated college in May. I guess my body is just getting used to not being overloaded and it just doesn't really know what to do. I don't know.

I find myself goalless.

I should be elated about this, but I have no clue what to do, to the point that I end up doing nothing!

I need goals. I need something to work towards. On top of being in a funk, I have been sick too. Doesn't help with my riding. Well America was in a funk too with those feet. Grrrr.

So now maybe as I get better, I can start working towards something. I need a goal. I need something to work towards. I think I realize one thing I am missing that has kept me from being overly ecstatic about riding. I miss jumping. As much as it scares me, I love it. I just need to work on my confidence. I was forcing myself to work on the flat. Telling myself, no jumping until you
But that isn't possible and it makes is less fun. Riding is always fun but I love to jump!

So I've got to get back to that. I'm going to get back to that! It is going to happen. I think I will still take one Dressage lesson a month, but I am going to try and take one or two h/j lessons a month.


This is why you trust your gut when it comes to your horse

I made the mistake of giving in. I gave in to the pressure of just WANTING PEACE at the barn.  To make a long story short, I had to use the BO's farrier. I used him TWICE. He managed to ruin my horses feet in that time. It took 18 weeks for me to freak out to the point of calling my old farrier and begging him to come back! Luckily, he is awesome and agreed.

America's feet went from this:

To this....

::shakes head::

I had a bad feeling about it the entire time. After the second shoeing, I freaked out. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what in the world he was doing. I hadn't seen him butcher any other horses feet, so why on EARTH did he do his feet like he had. Now his heels are really bruised. He was completely out in his SI AGAIN, even though I had him adjust less than a month ago. Keep in mind, it took a year for him to need to be adjusted last month. It only 11 weeks for him to need to be readjusted because of a shotty farrier job.

So my lesson to anyone who reads this is this:

Trust your gut and ask lots of questions. If you don't like what you hear, find someone who makes more sense and falls in tune with what your gut is telling you. Not only your gut, but  your horses body. Your horse will always be honest.

Here is where we are now. Much better.

And the Derp is looking very handsome! (excuse the stance, this was one of the things that told me his feet were wrong!)