Tuesday, October 25, 2011

De La Coeur Giveaway

Free Giveaway!!!


De La Coeur  is giving away a free bonnet! How awesome is that! They are adorable too. :)

I love them both I can choose which one I like better! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Noooo don't giddy up pony!

My horse has forgotten how to canter with a rider. . . o.O

How is this possible? So we are starting at the bottom of the rung with his canter. We've been working a LOT on getting him round and bending correctly. He has a horrible habit of counter bending, most especially around the corners. With his time off, he's lost all balance so I think the canter is off limits until we get him balanced upright again. He almost fell over with me at my lesson last week. Not a great feeling. I even had a much higher level dressage rider get on him to try thinking maybe it was me being unbalanced and unbalancing him. Nope, it's him. So I am open to any suggestions on how to help him with this.

Glad we didn't have any huge plans coming up. Oi.

But he seems to be all healed up.

Long toe, slightly swollen leg, rain rot.                      

Two weeks ago, still long toe, less rain rot, no swelling

Of course, not a very accurate picture but: Last thursday, fixed feets, no swelling and no rain rot!

His frog and heel are healing up nicely as well. Thanks to a good farrier for fixing his crooked, poorly done shoes. As a background and i wish I had a before picture, but his shoe was put on crooked so he was walking uneven. It split his heel open which invited in some lovely thrush into the giant crack. He had a giant crack, and his frog was gummy. Gross all together. So the farrier fixed it. To combat the thrush I used a product called Zephyrs Garden. It's all natural and smells awesome as well. Zephyr's Garden Thrush spray.
Then once I got rid of the thrush and bacteria, I used a product called Hoof Alive. Amazing stuff. I am still using it. It helps grow back the hoof with alive materials and it's natural. I'm into the natural stuff lately. And it seems to work. So here is where we are now. so much better and he's actually growing a heel back!!!! Keep in mind, where the hole is, was all gone. Ewww.

So that's how Derpy is doing physically. :) We are getting there. It's a slow process, but slow is better than missing essential keys to a healthy and happy pony!

And here's a somewhat goofy video from last week. He used to fling himself over every jump, thus my overdramatic fold. haha and his movement is improving.

::punches self in face::

I am not sure why, but I keep letting myself fall apart. It's like I can't handle any one thing in my life. I am eating horribly. I am not taking my vitamins. I have not been exercising. I didn't even go see America once this weekend. Though I have other reasons for that. It just makes me feel like a horrible mom. I haven't been helping much around the apartment, luckily Matt hasn't kicked my ass about that yet. I don't take care of myself. I have gotten way behind on my school...AGAIN. And I have no excuse whatsoever. I don't even know how I passed that Mystics class, probably because the work I did turn in kicked ass. But just think of how much better of a grade I would have gotten had I actually applied myself. He was not a difficult teacher, I was just a horrible student.

I don't know what my deal is. I need to get the fuck over it though. That I do know for sure.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A quick update and catch up.

I finally made the "purchase" of my life. It's hard for me to think of it as a purchase, so monetary, so economical. I finally made it so that I can have America spend the rest of our lives together. My soul pony finally became mine, for all intents and purposes, by law.

From there everything got a little itchy. We were at his original barn but I just got to a point where I was worn out, tired of everything, including working my ass off for nothing. I guess I've just gotten to a point in my life where I need to stop trying to fix everyone else's problems, while my life just kind of barely flickers in the background. With that thought and the fact that I was failing most of my classes, I made a very hasty decision to move America.

So one beautiful Thursday, I loaded America up and said Bon Voyage to our old life. And a big old Bienvenido to our new life. We moved to a barn that is maybe 15 minutes from work with traffic, about 25 from home. The amount of money and time this has already saved me is incredible. I am caught up on school. I can now just go see America, just to see him whenever I want. Plus he is getting amazing, hands on care from absolutely incredible people. Not only are they great with the care, but the Trainer and her assistant are just more than I could ever have asked for. I have learned so much already, I don't even know what to do with all of the information.

Unfortunately, sometime in the few days before I brought him to his new home, he got hurt. I guess no one at the old place noticed because he was INCREDIBLY swollen on his back right. We ended up getting more adjustment time than I had expected. Over three weeks. After three weeks, a vet visit, and his incredible patience with being wrapped and unwrapped for two weeks, with some stinky green DMSO, we were able to start working again!!

BUT and this is a big huge BUT, we are starting back correctly. We the help of my trainer and another trainer, we are going to fill in the gaps in not only his training but my own. I think i'll leave explanation of what I mean for another blog post. But needless to say, it's going to be a process. And i'm more than happy to be doing it. I love this dude so much.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I am a horrible blogger. OMG it's been almost 2 months since I last blogged. This must be rectified today!!! So much to share, so much to tell.