Thursday, December 19, 2013

Playing Catch up

A lot has happened since the last time I posted in October.

  • The vet came out. I had planned to have xrays done on America's front feet to see how his soles were doing and to have his fall shots done. We did all that but the outcome of results I got was not what I expected.

    WE did manage to gain significant sole growth. Hopefully that holds on. But what we didn't realize is that America's feet have gotten worse every other way. He has a negative palmar angle on his left front that is going to take extensive work to correct. This also explains his huge left shoulder. The vet made a plan with my farrier to put a wedge on that front left and pour ins on both. The completely change how he has been trimming him.

    I will not get into detail on here why, but I have decided to change all of this. It has felt wrong to me from the start. So i've decided to go the more natural but slower fix and take his shoes off all together. I've consulted with 3 different farriers/trimmers and they have all said the same thing. That he would be better for me to take his shoes off and fix it naturally with trimming properly. I will just have to buy him boots.

    Once I made this change, I literally exhaled for what felt like the first time in weeks. This may be a longer process, but this feels right. So I am going to go with it. My instincts are sometimes very loud, I tend to listen to those.
  • I changed up America's diet just a bit. I added TNT into his diet and eliminated a few of his other supplements and also lowered the dosage of the rest. TNT is amazing. It's got a lot of supplements in it plus a bunch of others.

    "Each 1 1/3 cup of TNT contains a synergistic combination of Dynamite, Easy Balance, Izmine, Free & Easy, Excel and HES. This product is the ultimate supplement. Because it contains some of our most popular products all-in-one, it is easy to feed and produces amazing results."

    "Dynamite went WAY beyond the basics when formulating this awesome product. All-natural ingredients support healthy metabolism, behavioral balance, joints, and daily detoxification; all in addition to an array of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals for optimum results you will see in your horse."So far, I have been very pleased with this diet change. America has only been ridden once but he was more fluid. His stiffness was almost nonexistent PLUS he was relaxed and calm.
    Look at this stretch! (not me riding)

  • America had a minor colic last week. It was only a gas colic, thankfully and passed on it's own. He was fine and back to normal within an hour of being found. A little lethargic but good otherwise. :D Counting my blessings.

Friday, October 25, 2013


This is my problem. I know what it is. I have no routine. I am a 30 year old with no routine to my life. I like to think that it's because I live spontaneously. And I think that was ok in my early 20's. But I need more stability. More routines and schedules being kept. Right now, I feel like what little schedule I have ever had has been tossed around some. I think this all connects back to the end of my last post. I need that determination and drive that makes people do badass things.

I think the beginning of that is establishing a routine. The only routine I have right now is going to work Monday through Friday. My schedule literally doesn't go any farther than that.

I really need to work on this. I need more routine in my life. I need to not throw what routines i have down the drain if they get slightly disturbed. Part of this needs to be getting out to the barn more often.

I'm going to try to work on this.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Spiralling downwardly and fastly

I feel like i'm spiralling down faster and faster here lately. My health is down the toilet. I've gained 10 lbs. I feel like poo and I cannot stop. I barely ride. I don't exercise and I can't seem to pull myself out of this slump. My stomach issues are getting bad again. My skin is horrendous. Dermatitis and roseacea up the wazoo.

I want to feel good.

I want to feel good about me.

I want to ride and enjoy it.

I want to lose weight.

I want to feel schmexy again.

Most of all, I want to be healthy.

I don't understand how I can't make myself be better. I KNOW the cause of all of my issues is eating healthy. I don't put good stuff comes in. It reflects out. I mean seriously. Why is it that I have no problem working endlessly to make America's outsides glow by having him on the best possible diet but I can't do this for myself. Where is it people get that banging determination and will power from? Because I would like it please!


But America is doing infinitely better. His lymphangitis is gone. That sweating it really pulled that last little bit of lingering swelling out of his leg. He had his feet done and had a chiropractic adjustment last week. He's like a new horse. So I am trying to get out to the barn to work him more, I just find myself lacking umph to do that. He needs it though or we're never going to get him back to where he was. He doesn't look bad but I can see a difference in his muscling. He's happy though.

But anywho, here's this cute thing. She is seven months today. :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A couple of my favorite products

I like to be as natural as possible with the Derp, so sometimes I have to trial and error things to get the best product. I, also, do not have endless pockets so I try my darndest (is that a word?) to make them cost effective as well.

So here are some of my favorites:

Dynamite Products
This is where I get all of America's supplements. This is basically what has taken him from poo to where he is now. Glowing, dapply and very healthy. Their products are all very, very clean and top quality. They do not and will not ever use any nastily overly processed ingredients and are very natural. And not only do they have horse supplements, but lots of other animals including HOOMANS!
Some of my favorites that I can't live without are:
Miracle Clay
DM Plus

 This is how we got from here to here. And the after picture is with  two months of no work!

I actually am a huge fan of all of the products but this is my favorite. I use this religously. It's better than SWAT and your horse doesn't have to walk around with pink spots. It also doesnt' stain your hands and stick to everything. It's made with natural products and smells amazing. I often have to keep America from eating it. One place I have found that it is priceless is on the belly. The spot right in front of the sheath that the bugs seem to be attracted to. I put that on there every day if I can. It keeps the bugs off and then he doesn't have any giant bug bugs and crusties. And he's much more comfortable!

I cannot rave enough about Chia. There really aren't enough words to express how awesome chia is for not only your horse, but yourself. It's fantastic for digestion. Gots tons of Omega 3 and 6. It's got natural psyllium properties so if your horse is a ground nuzzler, it's perfect. It's the only thing that got rid of America's wet fart problem. It also makes them shiny and beautiful from the inside out! This is the only thing I would ever add to the Dynamite program he is on. (And that's only until they get their own, hint hint, wink wink). I have found that is the most cost effective for me.

I think that's enough for now. I have plenty of other raves to share! But another time!

Well this is awkward-long update

Well my last post was the last time I really rode and one of the last times I worked out. Here's why:

For two weeks I was running all over the east coast doing things for others and also farm sitting.

In the last week of those two weeks I got Acute Sinusitis. I don't know if any of you have ever had it but it feels like your face is going to explode. Literally. The pain in your face literally throbs and there is absolutely no relief at all. You can't sleep, you can hardly breath. Eating, nope. Everything hurts. I went for four days straight with no sleep at all. I originally went to my dentist because I thought it was an abscess because of the tooth pain it was causing. Nope. My sinuses were infected into my mouth.

Tell me that isn't disgusting!

About 3 weeks after being diagnosed with this loverly ailment, I started to feel human again.

Right in time for America to get Lymphangitis. "But Kris, what ISSSS Lymphangitis?" I had no clue until he got it. It is when there is an infection in the lymphatic system (in this case the lymph vessels and ducts in his leg). There is a lot of swelling! Luckily, I caught it within an hour or two of it blowing up. We are not sure how he got it. Usually some sort of trauma triggers it. With the amount of rain we had had, it was just a cesspool of bacteria waiting to attack!

Poor Derp!

When I found him, he couldn't walk up to the barn. He ALWAYS walks up to greet me when I get there. So when he wouldn't walk up, I knew something was wrong. I went out to him and he wasn't putting any weight on that leg. It was SWOLLEN all the way passed the knee, into his thigh. There was a little heat from his stifle all the way to his hoof. I picked up some meds and we kept him in that night. I had it worked out to let him go out in a small flat pasture during the day (opposite of everyone else). We did that for a few days. The swelling went down quite a bit.

Two days with Turnout

Then a vet, that I am  not particularly fond of, came out to the barn for some other things and the BO told her to look him. While I appreciate the notion, the resulting freak out on my part, could have been avoided. I was told he has a high suspensory injury. That he needs an ultrasound ASAP and he absolutely cannot go out. He has to to stay in his stall. --ok I think it's good to say that my brain totally did not agree with this. Just seeing how much he progressed in the past three days, I could tell that turn out was doing really well with turn out.

Day three or four after no turn out, more swelling

I called my vet. They couldn't come out within the next few days so I opted to bring him in so we could get that ultrasound done. Because they couldn't come out, we decided to "play it safe" and listen to previous vet and keep him in. I wish I hadn't but at this point, I didn't know what to do.

So Thursday (I found him on Saturday) we get to the vets office. He takes one look at him, asks me a few questions and says, there is no way this is a high suspensory injury. He had seen three other lymphangitis cases that WEEK. I'm telling you, it was something with the weather. So we got him on SMZ's, and some other stuff. We also moved to our new barn all in one fell swoop!

America began improving immediately.


By the end of the weekend

Last weekend - He is still holding just a smidge of swelling in his joint. But very little and the only time you see it is when he's been in during the day.

So definitely improving. I am going to try a few things to try and get that edema out. 

1. Riding. We are going to start walking. A lot. Getting those muscles working and his hind end moving and blood circulating. 

2. I am going to try sweating it for a few days. 

3. He has locked up his SI being injured. So I am going to have the Chiro out.

4. Also for the SI issue, I am making a heating pad to fit his SI area. 

So that's our update. Other than the injury, he looks great. He's back to being dark and dappley. He seems to really like the barn. It's very calm and laid back. The barn owner is amazing. Extremely knowledgeable. It's nice to be at a place where I can get help with things that I don't know anything about. She goes above and beyond to care for all the horses. 


Friday, July 5, 2013

Workout tracking for the week.

I have to give myself a pat on the back. I have done really well at staying active this week. 

Saturday- 30 minute circuit training + 1 hour ride

Sunday - 3 hour trail ride

Monday - 45 minute kickboxing circuit training class 

Tuesday- day off

Wednesday - 2.5 hour softball game

Thursday - 4 mile walk downtown 

Probably wont be doing anything today. But I am going to a class in the morning and then will probably go ride after. Haven't seen any results though. Only been a week. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Art of Letting Go.

Letting go.

It's something that I think everyone struggles with from time to time. In your standard life, letting go can lead to a lot of things. Freedom from whatever is holding you down. Knowing whether someone or something is right for you. Less stress or anxiety. The list goes on. By letting go, one allows the world to work on it's own. It's about relinquishing control. Control.

Hm...there's that control thing. It's a big issue for a lot of people. When you let go and give up control, you take the chance of being hurt. Of allowing others to hurt you. This is difficult.

I know it is for me. Outside of riding but it's amazing how much this relates to my riding as well. I have a hard time "letting go" while I ride. With my mind going 1000 miles per hour, it's amazing the amount of scenarios I can think of that can go wrong. Even something as simple as cantering. I grip, I hold, I pick up, almost as if to carry my horse. Instead of him carrying me.

But when does control start to cause damage? That is when needing to have so much control that it eliminates any trust. Any rider knows you HAVE to trust your mount. You just have to. This is a 1000 plus beast with a mind of his own and if needed, the body and will power to do what it wants. Prey animals with super flight instincts. But these animals trust US and grant us the freedom of riding them. Of loving them. Of forming these bonds and friendships with them. In return, they require us to care for them and give them the chance to be trusted.

I had an epiphany yesterday. I haven't been letting go. I have not been giving my horse the chance to be trusted. America has done NOTHING but save my butt multiple times. I have never had a bad fall off of him. The worst thing he has ever done was give me a half assed buck one time because he was hurting. It was so pathetic I had to ask if that was a buck. Sometimes he's a little fast. But in turn, the more I hold back my trust for him, the less he trusts me. That is something that just can't happen.

We went on a much needed trail ride yesterday. Three hours long! It was amazing. We haven't been able to go on a trail ride for longer than 30 minutes without having something to set us off. My nerves get wound up and I have to go back to the barn by myself. But we did it. We even went by the scary windmill and a fire. At first, I was nervous. But I was consciously thinking about relaxing so I think that helped. A lot of times when we walk up and down hills, i shorten my reins and hold on to his face like I am going to pick him up and walk him up the hill myself. Total dumb. It's a complete nervous, control thing. But I did something. I let him go on a long rein. Sat back and let him figure it out himself. You know what happened???

He didn't even trip or fall or stumble in the least bit. He also walked down or up at a much nicer pace, than the stumbly speed walk he does when I am holding on to him. It was like a lightbulb lit up in my head.

I really need to try to remember this trail ride and those moments. And how it felt to just let him go. How much more relaxed he was which in turn made me more relaxed and vice versa. It was pleasant and relaxing and fun!

I figured I would share this moment because I thought others might be able to learn from it as well. And because I can now read over this as many times as necessary to get it into my head. My horse is amazing, he loves me and trusts me and I owe it to him to let him go! Or else we will forever be stuck in this same place. He's too awesome for that!

So I want for anyone who reads this, to think. If there are those moments you feel your insides curling up and you've got that urge to clamp down with your legs and choke up on those reins, if this is a moment that you know deep inside that everything is ok, I want you to inhale and exhale a few times. Think about letting that exhale draw the nerves out of your body and relax. Let the reins go. Let your legs hang and BREATHE!

And I will do the same!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Working out and healthy stuff

So I have to admit....I might have fibbed a little. I know I said  I like Curves, but I really don't.

Yea so I was trying to talk myself into by being positive!

So yea, sorry about that. Or maybe I should be apologizing to myself. Or maybe not. I tried. Then after the wedding, reality hit and I never went back. Well that's not true, I went back once or twice.

Yup still as boring as before the wedding. So I cancelled my membership (though not quick enough, I have to pay for July).

But I found a new place. It's a little out of the way, but it promises to be anything but boring. It's called Fitness One and it is all classes. There's no gym. No stupid old lady machines you go around in circles while alternatively dancing in place for 30 seconds. God that place was awkward! There are 400 classes to choose from each month! I joined the bootcamp, which comes with 3 training sessions, a e-meal plan and an e-cookbook.

I am super excited. I have only done two of the training sessions and I am sore! It's going to be awesome. I'm going to be so in shape. And even better, one of my bestest friends goes there as well and she's lost a crap ton of weight.

 I did this in my last intro, for only like a's SO HARD! It's called a Reverse Crunch, on hard mode! I mean I did a bunch others but this was the real challenge. They also have this machine called a TRX machine that is super awesome, fun and super challenging!

Woot Woot!

I can, I will, I WILL!

I will ride tonight. I will ride tonight. I WILL RIDE TONIGHT!

I cannot talk myself out of riding tonight! I haven't ridden all week. It has been hot but in the evenings there is no excuse whatsoever. America needs it and I need it.

It will be done!

I need a program. I think tonight I will work on trot poles and a little cantering.

Maybe I will drag the bf out with me to video. So possibly video later.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Colic and Ulcers - GREAT VENN DIAGRAM!

Thanks to an extremely knowledgeable JB on a horse forum!

This is a great venn diagram describing the risks and symptoms of both ulcers and colic and where they collide. A lot of people see ulcers and colic as two completely separate entities but they aren't always!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mr. Rogers you always know what to say

"I like you just the way you are."

And everyone should listen. You, each and every one of you, is beautiful is just the way you are. 


I thought this was interesting. Derp and I are at the 2 to 3 level.  We are working in the learning impulsion level. It's super fun!!!!   Where are you?  We definitely not at the straightness level. Haha

So beautiful!

This just ran across my facebook and I had to share...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Funks and goals

I have been in quite a funk since I graduated college in May. I guess my body is just getting used to not being overloaded and it just doesn't really know what to do. I don't know.

I find myself goalless.

I should be elated about this, but I have no clue what to do, to the point that I end up doing nothing!

I need goals. I need something to work towards. On top of being in a funk, I have been sick too. Doesn't help with my riding. Well America was in a funk too with those feet. Grrrr.

So now maybe as I get better, I can start working towards something. I need a goal. I need something to work towards. I think I realize one thing I am missing that has kept me from being overly ecstatic about riding. I miss jumping. As much as it scares me, I love it. I just need to work on my confidence. I was forcing myself to work on the flat. Telling myself, no jumping until you
But that isn't possible and it makes is less fun. Riding is always fun but I love to jump!

So I've got to get back to that. I'm going to get back to that! It is going to happen. I think I will still take one Dressage lesson a month, but I am going to try and take one or two h/j lessons a month.


This is why you trust your gut when it comes to your horse

I made the mistake of giving in. I gave in to the pressure of just WANTING PEACE at the barn.  To make a long story short, I had to use the BO's farrier. I used him TWICE. He managed to ruin my horses feet in that time. It took 18 weeks for me to freak out to the point of calling my old farrier and begging him to come back! Luckily, he is awesome and agreed.

America's feet went from this:

To this....

::shakes head::

I had a bad feeling about it the entire time. After the second shoeing, I freaked out. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what in the world he was doing. I hadn't seen him butcher any other horses feet, so why on EARTH did he do his feet like he had. Now his heels are really bruised. He was completely out in his SI AGAIN, even though I had him adjust less than a month ago. Keep in mind, it took a year for him to need to be adjusted last month. It only 11 weeks for him to need to be readjusted because of a shotty farrier job.

So my lesson to anyone who reads this is this:

Trust your gut and ask lots of questions. If you don't like what you hear, find someone who makes more sense and falls in tune with what your gut is telling you. Not only your gut, but  your horses body. Your horse will always be honest.

Here is where we are now. Much better.

And the Derp is looking very handsome! (excuse the stance, this was one of the things that told me his feet were wrong!)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Boy do I know my horse!

Well I was right. America was definitely sticking in his SI joint which is why he was so uncomfortable. The vet said I need to try to get him adjusted chiropractically every six weeks or so. Honestly, I don't know if I can afford that, but I will try to get it as close to that as possible. He also said that if I don't see improvement at every six weeks I might need to get him done every 3-4 for a while. HOLY $$$$....but if it will make him more comfortable, i'll do what I have to do.

So here is what was happening:

His right side gets stuck down and forward, while his left side compensates by being left up and back.

Along with that, he was out in a couple of other places. After getting these places adjusted he was just licking and chewing and licking and chewing so it must have felt good.

I am really glad I got his saddle fitted to him. Hopefully, with the adjustments and good saddle fitting, he will be much more comfortable. Now I need to get myself adjust so I don't mess him up! Does someone want to send me a money tree??? I could use one!

A bit of an upsetting part though. The vet wants to test him for Cushings. He is concerned because of the mass of fur he still has and how much he grows. I guess it is more of a precaution, as he doesn't show many other signs. He is a massive sweater though. So lots of good jingles that he is just a super hairy beasty and doesn't have Cushings!

He is such a ham...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vet day / Chiro day

After our last lesson, I  had decided that America was off. I scheduled a vet appointment for this afternoon. I have actually given him probably close to three weeks off of work to just relax. I didn't want to push it and take the chance of injuring him. Since he was off not only in canter (mostly in the canter) but a little in the trot too, it just wasn't worth it to me. I upped  his MSM as well to try and help if there is any inflammation. Which I am pretty sure there is some on the right side of his SI joint.

Well the vet is also a chiropractor. So I am going to see what he can do in that field. I am also going to ask if there is something I need to think into the future about. Whether he needs something extra to prevent him from being uncomfortable. So we shall see!

I was away all last week and finally saw Mr. Derpus yesterday. I missed him so much. I was ridiculous! I am ready for him to feel 100% again though. I also realized that the farrier had scheduled him almost 8 weeks from his last shoeing. No way Jose! Not again. He is overdue! Long and his heels are running under. It's crazy how much happens in the week you are gone!!!

Anyways, here's a Derp, begging from one of his favorite Aunties.

Fingers Crossed!

Monday, May 6, 2013

May Update

Ok first and foremost, bask in his adorableness!

Now that that's over. I haven't blogged in a while about Mr. Derp. (I feel like every post starts with that). I have been so swamped with school. OMG! But I am now one small assignment away from being DONE WITH MY COLLEGE CAREER! Holy crap batman!

So as for Derp. We didn't do much this winter. I started riding a bit more in the Spring but still nothing substantial. We were going to go to a fun show.....just for fun... in late April. But the lesson the day before he told me quite loudly that he was not feeling well. He actually bucked with me. See the thing with Mr. Derpypoo is he doesn't buck. He just doesn't do it. When he doesn't like something he goes into giraffe mode and opens his mouth. He'll speed up or get all choppy and flail his legs around everywhere. That's how he shows me he doesn't like something. So when he bucked, which was a pathetic buck at that, I knew something was up. I had noticed earlier that he was fine at the trot to the right but totally discombobulated to the left. Which is strange because on a normal basis we are the opposite. So we got to poking and prodding him and watching his movement and he is definitely out in his SI. This is the second time. I am concerned that I am going to have to think further ahead and think about possibly having to think medication or injection. Or if he just needs chiro work more often. We've got an appointment on the 13th with the vet who also does Chiro work. Fingers crossed it's that's simple.

But on another note, he's looking amazing. You can kind of see his dapples in that picture above but here's a better one. You can also see how he stands when he's uncomfortable.

So he looks amazing. Just need to get those insides fixed. He is also amazingly soft!!!!! So one foot in front of the other! We hope to do a few small fun shows soon.

Happy Riding everyone!

Friday, April 19, 2013

To my animal loving friends....please be aware.

To all of my animal loving friends - were you all aware that it is actually illegal for Vets to carry controlled substances with them to your location. What this basically means is that if your animal is too sick, broken, injured, travel to the Vets clinic, they are actually not legally allowed to carry any sort of substances out to help that animal. This includes euthanasia drugs. This is probably one of the stupidest laws I have ever heard of. Obviously most vets agree because I haven't seen many that follow it. But they shouldn't have to be concerned with whether they will be "caught" or not. They should be allowed to do their job to the fullest. This includes being able to carry the necessary drugs to put an animal down if need be. I don't know what the stupid lawmaker that inacted this thing thought people with sick horses or cows were supposed to do. It's time to move out of the 1970's....let's get this changed! 
This is a link to a site that allows you to write an email or letter to your legislator to ask them to take some action to end that. Sign it and send it. For the sake of our animals.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Everyone should watch this...Miss Representation

This is a little different from what I usually post but....this is really important. For everyone. We need to realize just how much the media is sabotaging all of us. It's manipulating and warping and changing our brains. This needs to be realized.

I wish I could quote one part of this to show how inspiring and how important this is but really, it's all 1.5 hours that is important. This needs to change. Children need to be children. Girls need to learn to love themselves, not be bombarded by messages that they have to be this certain way. We are getting farther away from ourselves. We need to go back. Let's work on this.

I've watched this change so much just in my 30 years. It's sad. It makes me sad. And i'm guilty of this myself. It's hard to realize how much our brains have been affected by this poison. But it has.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Amp is a bad idea

So it's almost 2:30 am and I have to be up in three and a half hours. My brain is going a hundred miles per hour, but at least the jitters stopped. I can't sleep so i've got so much time to think. The last few weeks have been a lot of trials and testing of my sanity and patience and love and commitment.

 I miss Matt. I can't wait for him to be home.

 I miss my Derp. Since my accident, I haven't been out as much as I should. In my defense, I hurt just from brushing and it hasn't stopped raining long enough since Christmas to dry anything out. He is losing muscle. I miss riding so much. I can't wait to be all healed up so that I can ride again. My body feels weak. I feel like I have no muscles and what little ones I do have turned to mush. I feel like a blob.

Binxy got really sick. I had to take him to the ER vet on Christmas. He had bladder stones. After a lofty ER bill and an additional Vet bill we decided he had to get the bladder stones removed or he could get a blockage. So we did that last friday ::looks at cobwebs in wallet:: but it was so worth it. He is just about back to normal. Messing with the other cats, being Binxy. He is a bit extra cuddly and he sleeps a lot but I think that is partly because he is healing and because of the anti-biotics. But my lovebug is healthy again. I mean, he's still fat but he's got a brand new belly button! See below:

 In a more positive light, I stocked up on supplements for the boys so we should be good for a few months. Speaking of which, I could be mixing those right now instead of typing this. . . .

 I cannot even begin to explain how much I love Chia. Seriously, it's amazing stuff and has so many good properties! It's the anal leakage stopperator!

 I have trying out the Dynamite vitamins and Trimins along with the Megabotanicals. I am trying to figure out what is going to make me feel best and with being a Dynamite Distributor, I feel it's somewhat hypocritical of me to use other brands. I have seen what they can do to horses, I hope they work as well on me. I am thinking the Megabotanicals are really going to help my digestion. Along with the fact that I have pretty much stopped drinking soda (my arch nemesis) I am hoping beyond hope that this helps my stomach. That and I am going to start juicing! I should go to the doctor but I have been and the "treatment" just was stupid to me.

 So here's to trying new things! I think I am finally ready for bed!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Make Today Awesome

That is what the little sign on my wall says right now. I have been so down in the dumps and feeling pretty crummy. Everything has just turned upside down and i'm still adjusting I guess. So today I am trying to change that. I figure even though I am down for the count until my neck and back heal, America shouldn't lose everything we have worked for. So today we start our groundwork. I also ordered some Buck clinic dvd's to study. I am looking forward to that. So here's to being positive and looking forward.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Well there goes all my plans

Sigh.... Everything I have planned for the year is now caput for the moment. I was involved in a fairly bad car accident earlier this week. My car has a couple grand worth of damage if it doesn't end up totaled. I have soft tissue damage in my neck as well as strained muscles in my back. I have to be really super careful. One wrong hit could cause nerve damage. With that said, I cannot ride for a while. My mom is begging me to stop jumping and to be honest I am seriously thinking of making a discipline change. I love dressage and would love to delve deeper into that. But that is not happening any time soon. Sigh, I had such high hopes. I am just having a pity party for myself. I figure until I can ride we will work on ground work. I might have a friend get on him some for me. On top of all of this, as if it's. Ot enough, my kitty has to have surgery to get bladder stones removed. We could all have good thoughts for better things our way.